** Temp position referrals must complete 720 hours of full-time employment. The maximum amount of referral bonus for a temp position is $175.00.
** Permanent placement referrals must complete 120 days of full-time employment. The maximum amount of referral bonus for a permanent placement is up to $2,000 (maximum bonus is paid out only for Senior level positions/Executives)
Referral bonuses are paid only for referrals who are not already in the Advantex Professional Services applicant database. If the person referred has already applied for a position with any Advantex division or office, you are not eligible for this program. Bonuses are paid only for qualified referrals who register with Advantex, meet our hiring criteria, accept a temporary assignment/permanent placement, and fulfill the terms of that assignment or position. Only one bonus paid per person referred. Advantex does not guarantee employment to any individual and reserves the right to change these program rules at any time.